All 6 locations:
The city of Aspire contains with 6 locations using 6 different plots worth a total for 14M.
This was all built by the founder, Jack and it took multiple years to make.
Brooklyn, Paris, Aspire High School, Aspire Stadium, Suburban's, Modern Neighborhood
The main location in aspire, this is for the lower to middle class people, we got a church, gym, bar, BBQ, café, nightclub, brownstones, the white house. This was built to have as many homes as possible. Pretty much anyone here has lived here at one point.
This is the quite opposite to Brooklyn. This is where all the rich people live, or people who just wanna enjoy a great weekend. We got a bakery, designer store, hotel, restaurant, stores, fashion completion. This is a very expensive place to live. But for most people this is the end goal.
Aspire Stadium
If you're a UFC fan you'll love this place. This is where you can watch all press conferences for our boxing league. We also got a hall of fame / museum here which is definitely worth a visit.
Aspire High School
This is a must if you're a teenager. Having a good education will highly increase your chances of getting job in the future. This is also a great way to make friends for life, go to parties and more!
Modern Neighborhood
You just got married and you're expecting children. Both you and your partner has a high paying job so you decide to move to this safe and luxury home. Includes 6 houses and a park. This is a great place to enjoy your future.
This is the ultimate American family home. This plot has a total of 7 houses. Really great place to grow up in, and a perfect home for a big family!